Hero to Hero is a proud Charity Partner of the Marine Corps Marathon! This means that by signing up for either the Marine Corps Marathon, 10K, or 50K Ultramarathon you will secure a bib to the exclusive event on October 27, 2024.

In running the MCM with Hero to Hero, you will be joining the ranks of special operators, first responders, weekend warriors, grandparents, and hard chargers alike. You will also recieve an invitation to join our Facebook training team led by renowned running coach, Steph Blozy. Our runners are asked to raise a minimum of $1,000 for the Marine Corps Marathon, $500 for the 10K, or $1,200 for the 50K ultramarathon before race day. In return our runners receive:

  • Comprehensive marathon training program and coaching

  • Hero to Hero swag from brands you know and love like Born Primitive and Branded Bills

  • Race day Hero to Hero gear

  • An invitation to our Athlete Celebration at the Hero House in D.C. including world class food from Old Blue BBQ and drinks from 10th Mountain Distillery and Bold Rock Cider

  • Unmatched comradery and sense of belonging.

Great fun was had by all!
Chris Shea looking swagaliscious
The 2023 gang